Is my study research?

HRA Decision Tool

Is my study research? – The aim of this decision tool is to help you decide whether or not your study is research. It is based on the Defining Research leaflet produced by the National Research Ethics Service (NRES) of the Health Research Authority (HRA).

Do I need NHS REC approval? – Not all research conducted within the UK requires approval from an NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC). This decision tool will help you to determine if your study requires this type of approval.

Is my study research?

The following resources provide guidance on defining research and audit evaluation.

REC leaflet defining research/audit evaluation

Research Ethics Service guidance aims to help you decide if your project requires review by a Research Ethics Committee. The purpose of the leaflet is to help you decide if a project is research, which normally requires review by a Research Ethics Committee (REC), or whether it is some other activity such as audit, service evaluation or public health surveillance. The leaflet can be found here.