Inequalities Poster

Inequalities Group Poster @12.04.19 (4).pdf

The Population Needs Group has analysed our recruitment data for RSI practices and found that those in areas of greater deprivation (as measured by Index of Multiple Deprivation) have lower average recruitment rates than practices in more privileged areas.

We are undertaking a small project to explore this further. The project focuses on working with RSI practices in areas of 'greater population need' to find out what we could do differently to make it easier for clinicians and patients to take part in research. We need to better understand the challenges and what the network offer would look like, that would help the barriers to improve recruiment from patients in these practices.

The project group includes Dr Joanne Walsh (Castle Partnership - Norfolk), Dr Corinne Bakker (Bridge Road Medical Centre - Cambs), Dr Tanya Blumenfield (Cottenham Practice - Cambs), Dr Christine Hill (Consultant in Public Health Medicine & Public Health Specialty Group Lead for CRN Eastern), Dr Eleanor Turner Moss (Academic Clinical Fellow in Public Health), Dr Mia Gray (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge), Viv Shaw (R&D Manager NHS CPCCG), Helen Macdonald (Research Delivery Manager (CRN Eastern).