Flow of the NIBB collaborative research application for Microscopes and other imaging tools: integrated imaging

1. Prior consultation

Please consult with SBI staff about your experiment in advance.

2. Web application

Please visit the NOUS system and register.

Please select "Integrated imaging" as the collaborative research category.

3. Acceptance notification

We will review your application and notify you of the results.

4. Scheduling Experiment

Please contact us once you have decided on your desired visit experiment schedule. We will reserve the equipment you need for your experiment.

For each visit, please submit the visit experiment schedule.

Pre-visit experiment checklist (NIBB, Optics and Imaging Facility)

Experiment Schedule

5. Experiment execution

Please read the rule for use of OIF microscope in advance.

6. Report submission

Please submit your experiment report by the end of April of the following year on the NOUS system.

The report will be posted on the NIBB website.


E-mail: img [at] nibb.ac.jp

Person in charge:SAIDA, Misako