Place: Room B66, Myodaiji, NIBB 

Date of installation: Mar. 2010 


Feature: IR-LEGO (Infrared laser-evoked gene operator system) is the system to induce gene expression of the local area in living cells using IR laser irradiation. 

(Ref: Kamei et al. Nat. Methods 6, 79-81. 2009, (Pubmed)Deguchi et al. Dev. Growth Differ. 51, 769-775. 2009 (Pubmed))



・Microscope: IX81 (inverted) 

・IR laser: 1440-1480nm, 1W (HPU 10X09-001, Furukawa) 

・Objectives: x20 and x40 (for IR irradiation), x4, x10, x20 x40 for Observation 

・Filters: DAPI, GFP-BP, GFP-LP, RFP 

・Camera: DP72 

・Software: cellSens 

Details for Objectives and Filters