1-3 Confocal and 2-photon (wavelength fixed) microscope Olympus FV1200 (Upright type)

Place: Room No. 3-532, Yamate 3rd bldg. 5th Floor

Date of installation: Dec. 2013


Confocal imaging, Two-photon imaging (wavelength fixed), Z stack, Time-lapse, Large image (Tiling)


・Microscope:BX61WIF (upright)

・Laser (nm): 473 / 559 / 635

・Two-photon laser: 1045 nm

・Scanner: Galvano scanner

・Detector for confocal imaging: MA PMT 3ch + GaAsP PMT 2ch

・Detector for 2-photon imaging: MA PMT 2ch+ GaAsP PMT 2ch

・Objective: x5, x10W (non-cover), x25W (non-cover)

The information of the objectives and the filters details (pdf link)