Sketchbook Requirements

Sketchbook Requirements 10

***As soon as you receive your sketchbook, take this sheet and staple/glue it to the inside of the front cover. As you complete each sketchbook requirement, you can check the box and


Your sketchbook is an integral part to your artistic process. It is a place to express, experiment and explore in self-directed manner, all to be completed by final submission on January/ June 13!

Express: Here is your opportunity to express yourself. This section requires you to chronologically express your own artistic process, prompted by significant life events or discoveries. This should be done once per week until 25 pages are completed.

Experiment: This section is meant to act as a testing ground for new materials. Below is a list of experiments that you will explore before final submission (at least 5):

Watercolour and salt Charcoal & Ink Paint & Medium Embossing ink and powder

Chalk Pastel Oil Pastel Ink and Watercolour India Ink

Pencil Crayon Blending Charcoal and Blending Stump Watercolour pencils Watercolour with tape/friskett

Pencil shading Charcoal and crayon Oil Pastel and Watercolour Clay or Polymer Clay

Acrylic Paint and Palette Knife Acrylic Paint and Chicken Wire/ Netting Acrylic with any acrylic medium

Explore: In this section, you will have a number of prompted explorations: Theme, Subject, Perspective, Object.

All explorations must be completed by final submission. Include at least (1x prompt) from each underlined heading.

Theme: Portrait/ Anatomy Pieces:

Any Emotion: Joy/Angry/Sad *If you are to draw more than one, change the perspective each time*

Opposites: Ear

Hot/Cold Mouth

Light/Dark 3 Body Contours (All different Body shapes)

Tiny/Big Nose

Visualize a punny word combo: Face straight on

Book-Worm, Cup-Cake, Fork-Lift, Face side profile

Foot-ball, Sheep-Dog, Heart-Burn etc 2 Hands (different positioning)

Perspective: Object: Must include these TWO Prompts:

1-Point Glass Item *Create something that invokes

2-Point Pieces of Fruit concern about a current social

3-Point Cloth condition.

Atmospheric Pine Cone Mental Health- Anxiety, Depression, Substance

Birds Eye View Reflective surface Abuse...

From Below Animal

Antlers or Bones *Explore how Technology affects your role as an Fresh Flowers Artist. ****IDEA- Develop a piece of art Leaf that integrates a computer chip.

Total: ________ out of a possible 25 Marks (you must have at least 25 pages labelled and filled to receive all 25 marks) If you complete a SOLO Senior Art Show slide deck, You only need to complete 15 pages for your sketchbook)

REMEMBER TO GIVE EACH CREATION with A TITLE and make Artist Notes reflecting on your process, thoughts, experiences.

Art 10 Sketchbook Rubric