Mrs. McNeice's 

Art Room

Class overview

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it."- Pablo Picasso

I believe anyone, any child or adult, is an artist. We all have creative problem solving skills and we can learn to hone that creativity to express ourselves through art. Art is a very powerful tool for communication and my goal is build opportunities for students to learn how to function as artists, not just learn about art.  Thinking creatively is thinking outside the box, it is a skill we can explore and develop for all aspects of life. Students will learn the language of art, the elements and principles of art and design, to help appreciate and talk about art intelligently.

Try and Try again! 

Art does not have to be drawing or painting, but can be many other things too. I believe that if you feel you can't draw, you can practice and learn to draw, or if drawing isn't your jam, then we will experiment with different media until we find what you love. You will not know what you like until you try it. If you are new to something, try more than once. It is very rare to be good at something the first time you try it. This applies many things in life. Practice makes progress, not perfection.

Process over Product! 

Process is just as important as product in my class. Focusing on the process is how artists function. Failure is expected while experimenting and having fun. If students can share how they learned from their "happy accidents," then I will hold this demonstration of learning for evaluation over their final product. Even well known artists experience total failures and flops, but they don't stop, they don't shut down or give up. This is the ultimate power of art as it teaches us perseverance, determination, and discipline. I see myself as more of a guide to help students find what makes them want to lose themselves through the process of creating. Students will be expected to explain their exploration, their planning, inspiration and experience. 

Think Big!- Exposure to a Wider Audience.

I feel very strongly about students exposing their artwork to a wider audience beyond the school. I truly believe that this will capture the students' interest and enthusiasm for their art and push their skills to the next level. Students can expect positive reinforcement and feedback by being promoted as the featured artist of the week. I am also hoping to showcase and hang student artwork throughout the school, connecting and collaborating with other schools, and creating online galleries for parents and families to visit. I will also be actively seeking art competitions for the students to participate in. I am open to suggestions for thinking BIG. Send them my way. 

Did you Know that many Universities, Colleges and Applied Colleges will allow you to use a Fine ART course for admission? 

This means that   ART 30 can be used for admissions not only to Art and Design programs, but to Education, Science, Business, Law and more.

Use the link- to explore occupations and education needed for the them. 

ART 30 students will also complete the course with a FULL portfolio of 12 art pieces required by most Art and Design programs at schools such as the Alberta University of the Arts and the University of Alberta.

Links for portfolio requirements at the bottom of this page...


Art Exhibit 2019 Onoway Public Library

About me

This is my third year at OJSH and I am looking forward to having students help me update this website with all the cool stuff we will be creating in class. 

I am always creating, photographing and painting. Check out my webpages:


Check out the links below.