Guest Speaker 

If you are an artist and would like to share your skills with my students, 

please email me

October 14th, 2021- Jessica Desmoulin,

 Ojibway First Nations Artist came for a visit

Jessica came to share her art and her story behind how she became an artist. 

Jessica described herself as being a byproduct of Residential School and Day school survivors in a sense that she grew up not learning her own language or culture. Jessica’s grandmother moved her family off the reserve in hopes of removing them from any further trauma.

Jessica’s family is Ojibway from Eastern Canada where the woodland style has influenced her paintings both directly and indirectly. She looks to other artists for inspiration, but many ideas develop intuitively and are sometimes, coincidentally linked to ancient symbols relevant to her culture. 

Jessica continued explaining her journey as an artist and that she started painting for her own mental health and began to learn about her connection to the Ojibway. She says she still has lots to learn, there is still a big void to fill as she is slowly being introduced to others willing to share the Ojibway culture that she never learned as a child. Jessica often feels racism from two sides, one for being native and one for not being native enough. 

The biggest take away for the art students from this visit:

-paint what makes you happy

-don’t get caught up in the details

-it doesn’t need to be perfect 

-use fluid acrylic paint for painting thin lines or contours

-gauche paint is good for full coverage

-there is no such thing as a mistake

-use the materials on hand even if it’s left over pink barn paint 

We hope that Jessica will visit again soon and we look forward to many more guest speakers in the future. 

Jessica brought in some of her works in progress.

Details and some step by step instructions.

Jessica and I had a tiny, happy reunion as we haven't seen each other in person in almost 20 years. We know each because we went to high school together in Sparwood, B.C. and we have always connected through the arts. 

Jessica's next gallery show is at the Bearclaw Gallery in Edmonton, November 6th. The link below shows her current available artwork.

2024 Visit with Jessica

Last week, May 29,  the Sr. High Art Students had the pleasure of listening the experiences of Indigenous artist, Jessica Desmoulin. Her work is  currently on display at the Edmonton Bear Claw Gallery and she has also been a feature artist with the TREX (Travelling Exhibition Program) Run by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

Jessica is also a member of the Red Spirit Motorcycle Club which brings awareness for Reconciliation and MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women)

Art students were walked through Jessica's family story which is linked to residential schools in Ontario and how she was eventually enrolled as a full-time artist at the Bear Claw Art Gallery. During her visit, Jessica described her artistic process and encouraged students to paint an animal, simplify it and use colours with whatever makes them happy. Jessica is a strong advocate for using art for mental health.

Thank you Jessica for sharing your expertise with the our senior art students. We hope to have you back every year.