December 15th, 2023 Parent Update

Upcoming Important Dates:

Good Things are Happening!!

Congratulations Team Turtle!! - Team Turtle was the winner of the Bowling Incentive for having the most points for the first half of the school year.  Students on this team need to wear socks and pants (no dresses please)  to school on Monday. The students do not need any money.  All students participating must have a permission form to participate. 

Christmas Around the World -  Our very dedicated teachers have planned a fun day where students will visit a variety of classrooms to learn about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries. Students will participate in activities that highlight traditions of each country. 

Coats - Please make sure to send your student with a coat as we try to take the kids outside as much as possible. 

Tigers are Learners: -  Program dates are as follows:

December:  19

January: 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30

February: 1, 6, 8, 13, 20, 22, 27, 29

March: 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21

Congratulations to our students who received Pawsitive Office Referrals the last two weeks!!!

Family Resources

Click the blue link Supporting your student with  I ready - A family guide   or

Click the blue link: Iready Family Center   or

PBIS for families. What is PBIS? 

Thank you as always for your  continued support. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us .

Contact Information:

Mrs. Witt at,   K-3 grade Principal & Director of Student Services

Mr. Crowder at crowderj@nfschools,  4-5 Principal & Transportation Supervisor


(330) 872-0695