Week ending: 

Friday 19th April 2024

Dear Families,

A lovely colourful start to a new term! Welcome back! Hoping you all had a fabulous holiday. 

The beginning of our Summer Term has started off rather cold but some promising sunshine has made its way through! We have all sorts of fantastic things coming up this term. We will be building on all the skills we have learnt already during our time in Nursery and the children going up to Reception will be working really hard to be ready to spread their wings and fly to their new class in September. 

This week, we started our new topic, Holi (1 week) and Colours! We had a great time learning about the Hindu celebration of Holi, the festival of colours. 

Next week, we will be continue to learn about colours and do a lot more colour mixing.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes from the Nursery team

Holi! The Festival of Colours!



We learnt so much about colours this week! Holi, the Festival of Colours celebrated by Hindu people got us to a great start for talking about colours. We learnt about the three primary colours, red, yellow and blue and learnt that you can mix any hue from these three colours.  The children were introduced to the artist Kandinsky and his work Colour Study: Squares with Concentric Circles (see left).  Some of them already knew about Kandinsky from last year!

We did lots of colour mixing and are learning how to mix the three secondary colours, orange green and purple, from the primary colours. We will be continuing this for the next 2 weeks. We also drew lots of circles to practise our drawing skills and to represent Kandinsky's circles.

Gallery of this week's learning


We had our own Holi celebration.


We had our own Holi celebration.

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"Who celebrates Holi? Christian people or Hindu people?"

"How do Chintoo and Mintoo make their gulal (coloured powder) to use at the Holi celebrations?"

"Which is your favourite colour?  Can you listen to the story again to find out which flowers they used to make your favourite colour?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the link to join in with our song of the week.

Our Words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?

What is the name of the Festival of Colours that Hindus celebrate?

What happens during the festival of Holi? How do people celebrate?

What kind of things do people do at a festival?

What festivals or celebrations have you enjoyed?

Who celebrates Holi?

Does everyone in the world celebrate the same thing?

Which country might have a lot of Hindu people?

How many colour can you name? 

What is your favourite colour? What does it make you think of?

Can you name the primary colours?

What is the design the Hindu people make at Diwali but also sometimes during Holi?

Where do we start making a rangoli? From the middle/centre or from the outside? 

Our Maths Learning this week

Our shape is a oval. 

What can you find at home in the shape of an oval?

Can you identify the number 5

Can you count out 5 objects?

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out one or both of these activities with your child this weekend. Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love the see them!

Make a Holi colour shooter 

Make your own colour wheel

Make your own colour wheel in any way you choose.  You could paint it, cut colours from a magazine, make a natural collage or even create a food colour wheel! Or how about icing cupcakes and creating the colours with icing and food colouring? Don't forget to take some photos or bring your work in! 

Earth Day - Monday 22nd April

Go for a family trip into nature this weekend or try out some of the activities on this site. 

Make a papier mache earth 

Use your colouring mixing skills to paint the land instead of sticking it on.

Something more ambitious?  The characters in our story Festival of Colours collected flowers to make gulal (coloured powder) for Holi.  How about collecting flowers for pressing? It's a great time of year to start a flower pressing hobby! Below is a link that can start you off, but I'm sure there are many more!



As the weather gets progressively colder and wetter, we ask you to please make sure your child brings a coat to school. Again, PLEASE label all your child's clothing, especially school uniform. You can purchase a relatively cheap permanent laundry marker from Amazon. 

If your child is still finding it tricky to put their coat on independently, how about trying the above "Dip and Flip" method? Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible.   

Lost Clothes

Please can you make sure that your return any clothing items that do not belong to your child that may have accidentally made it's way home to you! Please label all items of clothing to avoid any losses!


A polite reminder to contact the school office and let us know if your child will not be attending Nursery to avoid any unauthorised abscence. 

Adults Collecting Children

Please remember to let the team or school office know if someone else/ne  is collecting your child from school.

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0207 254 1415 or email via swoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk