Week ending: 

Friday 23rd September 2022

Dear Families,

We have had another busy week settling into Nursery. The children are becoming more and more confident every day. This week, we have been exploring kindness and learning about how to be a good friend. It has been lovely seeing the children's new friendships blossom. Please see below a handful of some of our beautiful photographs demonstrating kindness around Preschool! Please continue to talk about toileting with your child to help support us with their toileting at school. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Friendship bracelets.

We have been carefully threading to make friendship bracelets for our friends in class.

Music lessons.

We loved our music lesson with Miss Marshall!

Pretend play.

We enjoyed role playing hairdressers outside and with cars in the small world.

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"What feelings can you remember from the story?"

"What makes you feel happy?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the video below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

Our Words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?


Can you remember your friends name?


How can you be kind to your family?


Who shows you care?

Our Maths Learning this week

Our shape is a triangle

How many sides does a triangle have?

Can you practise writing 3 in the air? Can you show 3 fingers?

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out one or both of these activities with your child this weekend. Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love the see them!

Practise writing your name.

Draw a picture of your family.


Cereal boxes

Please could you send in a cereal sized box for your child to make their very own friend bus.

School Hours

Our morning session ends at 11.30am and our afternoon session ends at 3.30pm. Please make sure you are on time. 


A polite reminder to please inform the office if your child is not attending pre school for any reason.

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0207 254 1415 or email via swoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk