Week ending: 

Friday 8th March 2024

Dear Families,

This week has been such an exciting week where the children have learnt a lot about many different Amazon rainforest animals. We have learnt lots of language to describe these animals and it has been impressive how much our children have remembered! It is wonderful to see the children developing a respect and love for the animals and the rainforest. Some of our children have become aware of ecological issues and we're hoping that we have little Eco-warriors in the making, if not the next David (or Davina?) Attenborough! 

Sadly, we have come to the end of our Amazon Rainforest topic but have a just as exciting topic to start next week where we will be able to make lots of links with our Rainforest topic. Our new topic is Life Cycles and specifically the life cycle of a butterfly.  

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"How many animals can you name from the two books?"

"Which is your favourite animal from the two books? Can you describe it? What is its habitat?"

"Listen for the pages in each book describing the jaguar. Do the books describe them in the same way?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the video to join in with the song 'Winter time is here'.

Our Words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use the words in a sentence?

Who feeds and looks after wild animals?

Can you say which animals are wild?

If a green frog wanted to camouflage itself, what colour would it sit on? What kind of things could it camouflage itself on?

Why is it not easy to see a creature that is camouflaged?

Why do creatures camouflage themselves?

Can you see the camouflaged creatures?

Would you touch something poisonous? Why? Why not? What could happen?

Can you name a rainforest creature that is poisonous?


How do poisonous creatures become poisonous?

Are there other things besides living creatures that could be poisonous?

Where does a fish/piranha like to live? What is its habitat?

What is the habitat of:

Are there any animals you know whose habitat is the land AND the water? 

Our favourite rainforest animal clips

We all loved watching the armadillo roll up in a ball to protect itself. We also loved how the people took the armadillo and put it safely off of the road so it would not be hurt.

The friendly capybara!

A very interesting clip about the poison dart frog by the wonderful David Attenborough.

A rescue centre for animals from another rainforest in Costa Rica. We loved watching the baby toucan!

A jaguar! Caught on a secret camera in the Amazon Rainforest.

And finally, blue morpho butterflies!

Our Maths Learning this week

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out one or both of these activities with your child this weekend. Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love the see them!

Make your own Rainforest diorama

Use a shoebox to make a Rainforest diorama/miniature worlds!

Fancy a bigger project?

How about a trip to Sea Life for the Rainforest Experience!

Lucie and her family had a great time! Thanks for sharing, Lucie!


Egg Boxes

Please could you bring in your empty egg boxes so that we can made models of caterpillars.

Thank you

Clean transparent plastic bottles

We will be learning about capacity next week and need lots of small transparent bottles and jars, preferably with wide necks for filling with scoops, and easy-to-remove labels.  If you have any at home, we'd be very grateful to have them! Actimel and Innocent Juice bottles would be great!



As the weather gets progressively colder and wetter, we ask you to please make sure your child brings a coat to school. Again, PLEASE label all your child's clothing, especially school uniform. You can purchase a relatively cheap permanent laundry marker from Amazon. 

If your child is still finding it tricky to put their coat on independently, how about trying the above "Dip and Flip" method? Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible.   

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 0207 254 1415 or email via swoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk