Week ending 

Friday 23rd February, 2024

Dear Families,

We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing half term. We have begun a new theme of learning this week - the Amazon Rainforest. The children have loved learning about the rainforest, exploring our small world tray, searching for rainforests using google maps and making their own trees to go in their class rainforest display. 

They have also enjoyed getting to know our very special sensory board which was installed over the holidays!

Have a lovely weekend,

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Our gallery this week

Our Book this week

Click the picture below to listen to the story of 'One Day on our Blue Planet 3 - In the Rainforest'.

"What is a rainforest?"

Our Maths Learning this week

We are learning about the number 5! 

What can you find 5 of at home?

Our Words this week

Below is a list of our vocabulary for this week. 

Ask your child the following questions to help them to learn our key words. 

What can you see in a rainforest?

Does dense mean the trees are far apart or close together?

What might you wear when it is hot?

Do we have warm rain where we live?

Activities to try at home this weekend

Pretend to be a tall tree

Can you make your body into a tall tree? Use your body as the trunk, your arms as branches and your hands as leaves. Remember to stretch up tall. 

Tree spotting

Can you find any tall trees around your home?

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 7253 9469 or email the team via the school office: tfoffice@newwaveferation.co.uk