Week ending 

Friday 13th October, 2023

Dear Families,

The children have had a great week learning about boats and how we can travel on water. We have loved exploring small boats, large ships, water and things that live in the sea. We have also enjoyed boat sponge printing and pretend fishing. 

This week also saw the first of our Come Learn With Me events. This was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who participated with such enthusiasm and look forward to future events!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know either at the end of the day or by asking the office to arrange a time that suits you. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child.

"How do you travel on water?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song with your child. Please practise at home.

Row, row, row your boat, 

Gently down the stream, 

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Life is but a dream. 

Our Words this week

We have learnt the words below this week. Can you ask your child the suggested questions to encourage them to use and explain the words they have learnt?

Where might you see a boat?

What shape is a sail?

What does the captain do?

Our Maths Learning this week

We have been learning about size. 

We have been sorting boats and other vehicles into big, medium and small categories.  

Activities to try at home this weekend

Try out one or both of these activities with your child this weekend. Please send us any photos you take or bring your child's learning into school - we'd love the see them!

Sorting sizes 

Can you sort your toys into sizes? 

Make a pile for big, medium and small toys. 

Sink or float?

Play a game of guessing whether items will sink or float in water, you could use a bath, bucket of water, or a bowl. 


Spare clothes & shoes

Please ensure your child has spare clothes for them to change into if necessary. 

A bag of spare clothes and shoes can be left on their peg in a separate bag if needed. 


PE Day - Tuesday and Wednesday

Please remember that our PE days are Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons, your child can wear trainers with comfortable, dark trousers. 

Book Day - Thursday

Please remember to bring your school book, reading record and book bag to school on a Thursday, ready to be changed. 

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 7253 9469 or email the team via the school office: tfoffice@newwaveferation.co.uk