Week ending 

Friday 1st December, 2023

Dear Families,

This week we have continued with our theme 'People Who Help Us'. We have been looking at people who help us in an emergency - paramedics, police officers and firefighters. We have further explored the uniforms that they wear and the vehicles that they drive. We have created our own fire engines in the creative area and continued to learn about 2d shapes in Maths. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Gallery of this weeks learning

Our Book this week

"Who helps us in an emergency?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our Maths Learning this week


This week we have been learning about triangles.

We have found them in the environment, counted their sides and corners and practised drawing them! 

Our Words this week

How can a fire fighter put out a fire?

What vehicle does a paramedic drive?

What is a police officer's job?

Who helps to keep you safe?

Activities to try at home this weekend

Draw an emergency vehicle

Can you draw one of the emergency vehicles (ambulance, police car, fire engine, rescue boat or rescue helicopter,  at home?


Parent-Teacher Consultations - 7/12/23

Please sign up for your time slot via the app.