Week ending 

Friday 15th September, 2023

Dear Families,

The children have made an amazing start to the school year as they settle into the new routines. We have started our theme "All About Me" and are talking a lot about what makes us special and how are families are the same and different. The children have been amazing and settled brilliantly - thank you for your help and for being so flexible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know either at the end of the day or by asking the office to arrange a time that suits you. 

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

The children have been very busy exploring their new learning environment! 

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

"What are your favourite things to do at Nursery?"

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

Help us with our learning 

This week we have been learning all about ourselves and our families. To help your child talk about their family, please send any family photos you have to our Early Years photo email address. 



Spare Clothes

Please can you make sure that your child has a spare set of named clothes in a bag on their peg at school.

Water bottles

Please can you make sure that your child brings a water bottle to school every day.

Nursery meet the teacher 

Thursday 28th September 2023 

3:45pm - 4:15pm

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 7253 9469 or email the team via the school office: tfoffice@newwaveferation.co.uk