Week ending 

Friday 19th January, 2024

Dear Families,

This week we have continued learning about winter and all things cold. We have been ice explorers and rescued arctic animals from frozen icebergs and even used paint ice lollies for mark making! 

As part of our traditional tale learning, we have been reading Snow White. This week we had our cooking lesson linked to our story and we made apple muffins! We really enjoyed chopping the apples and mixing the ingredients together, although our favourite part was eating them! See how they turned out in the pictures below. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Best wishes from the Nursery Team

Our Gallery 

Our Book this week

Click the picture below to listen to the story Pip and Posy, The Snowy Day. 

"How can we stay warm?"

Our Maths Learning this week

Counting to 5!

We have been learning how to count to 5 this week through songs and fun games

Sing our favourite song at home

Our Words this week

Which part of the body do gloves keep warm?

How can you keep warm?

Which part of the body does a hat keep warm?

Where should you wear a scarf?

Activities to try at home this weekend

We have been learning number 5 this week.

Can you practise singing the 5 Little Ducks song? 

Click on the picture to listen to the song. 

Keeping warm.

Practise keeping warm by practising dressing yourself - putting on your own hat/scarves/gloves and learning to do up your own coat.


Book change day - Thursday

Please ensure your child's reading book is returned every Thursday in order for them to get a new one. Books will not be given out if no book has been returned.