Social Studies 7

Social Studies develops the key values and attitudes necessary for students to become active and responsible citizens, engaged in the democratic process and aware of their capacity to effect change in their communities, society and world. Grade 7 Social Studies is all about CANADA! Canadian History to be specific, with a focus on the origins, histories and identities of the people who helped shape the country we call home. 

June Update: We have completed the 1800s portion of this course and will briefly discuss the development of Canada and the world in the 1900s. We will focus on policies and the reasons these policies changed and developed Canada. We will spend some time reviewing the year’s material and preparing for the final. 

May Update: This month is all about the final provinces joining confederation. We are diving into the National Policy and how that helped Canada to prepare for an influx of immigration. We will discus the cause and effects of provinces joining confederation and the factors that lead to provinces joining Canada. 

April Update: We have completed the Pre-Confederation section of our course. (1400s-1800s). April will be about how the western provinces came to join confederation. Our next chapter (8) is about the Metis community and their involvement in Manitoba joining Canada. Following that we will learn about the National Policy and how that helped influence the rest of the western provinces to join confederation. 

March Update: We are learning about Responsible Government and how the need for responsible government help guide BNA to Confederation.

February Update: We will be looking to do the development of Canada following the 7 years war and the War of 1812. Our focus will be on developing Canadian Identity and how the political consequence of war developed the nation of Canada. 

January Update: While competing for trade and resources France and England engage in the Seven Years War. We will look into the consequences of the various military events that pushed Canada towards confederation. 

December Update: December is all about trade! The Fur Trade to be exact. Students will be learning about the creation of the Hudson Bay Company and the Nor 'Westers, as well the competition between those companies. We will be discussing and looking into how the Fur Trade advanced the colonization of Canada, and built the foundations of the Canadian economy. At the end of this chapter  students will understand how the people of North America work together in the fur trade and competed to control it. 

November Update: We are continuing our European explores and first settlements, focusing on Britain and the Thirteen Colonies. We will be discussing what kind of society Britain set up in North American. Afterwards our focus will shift to the fur trade and the beginning of the Canadian economy. 

October Update: The month of October is all about European explores, focusing on French and British explores and their first contact with Indigenous Peoples. We will discus the development of the fur trade, French/Britain settlement and colonies. Our main concepts this month are Imperialism and Mercantilism. 

September Update: We will be diving right into content and creating regular thinking routines. We will be focusing on Indigenous Societies and pre-Confederation way of life. Students will be researching an Indigenous group and comparing their research with another classmate to complete a Venn-diagram filled information on various groups. We will be practicing how to mind map and how to connect different concepts and events.