About Us

Assistant Principal, Lyn Davis working with scholars on history project.

Asisstant Principal, Lyn Davis working with scholars on a history project.

Mission Statement

Follow your own path. Reach new heights.

The scholar experience at New Heights Middle School is driven by individualization and personalization through innovation and technology. Scholars have choice and responsibility in determining their middle school experience. Scholars will become critical thinkers and problem-solvers through practice in differentiated real-world experiences. NHMS seeks academic excellence through a rigorous 21st-century curriculum coupled with realistic problem-solving and advice in a safe, caring environment. Through opportunities to engage in meaningful learning, we make active participation in the global community a reality.

Picture of Scholar

Scholar posing for a photo while participating in one of our signature science classes.


New Heights Middle School opened in September 2012. Since our opening, our teachers and staff are proud to offer unique opportunities that will enhance your child's academic experience through enrichment, after school programming, and extended learning time. New Heights Middle School partners with various organizations throughout the school year to monitor scholar progress and implement necessary academic interventions.

8th Grade Scholars leading 6th graders in leadership activities.

8th Grade Scholars leading 6th graders in leadership activities.

Core Values

We expect our scholars to exhibit our Core Values

  • Citizenship: We act in fairness toward each other. We get involved when members of the community need help. We work to improve our community and the world. We help each other.

  • Respect: We treat each other as valuable individuals—worthy of greatness and goodness. We accept individuals for who they are. We are honest with each other.

  • Responsibility: We believe we are masters of our own destinies and that we have the power to control our lives and shape our futures. We participate fully in everything we do.

  • Relentless Pursuit: We have confidence in ourselves and in each other to learn. We will not give up on ourselves. We identify the necessary resources to excel in life. We strive to do our best to achieve significant academic gains.

  • Optimism: We will operate with a positive mindset, assuming the best in other people and finding the hope and opportunity in every situation.

NHMS Uniform Brochure.pdf

Uniform School

New Heights Middle School uniforms are available for purchase from Ideal Uniform.

Please contact Ms. Williams, Parent Coordinator with any questions about our uniform policy.