

Class of 2022

Graduating Pic of Scholar and Administrator

Yvenel D.

New Heights Class of 2022

Medgar Evers College Preparatory School Class of 2026

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights was helpful with my high school application. The support was helpful for me and my family to expand my knowledge regarding high school opportunities.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

My family made the decision for me. However, I wish I did know more about the middle school application process as a 5th grader. I recommend being informed in the application process and researching what school will be the best for your education.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

I recommend being in the Mahalia Jackson Honors program. Participation can be a sacrifice but the classes are worth it. The opportunity to get access to high school credit makes it easier down the road.

Alum Student

Cristian S.

New Heights Class of 2022

Millennium High School (Brooklyn) Class of 2026

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights prepared me for high school by offering high school courses through the Mahalia Jackson Honors Academy. This academy exposed the future challenges of high school. Even if I don’t pass the regents tests, I still got a preview of what to expect for my 9th grade year.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

My family applied to New Heights and felt like this school was the better option compared to nearby schools in District 17. Also, I felt like the school had some good offerings.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Rising 8th graders need to stay prepared and ready. Especially if you are taking advanced classes at New Heights, you need to stay on top of your work. It gets harder.

Alum Student

Edison V.

New Heights Class of 2022

Leon M. Goldstein High School Class of 2026

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights offered me insight into high school through the application process as well as affording me the opportunity to take more advanced classes.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

New Heights’ location worked for my family. The previous middle school I attended was quite far. My family decided after 6th grade that New Heights was the better academic choice as well as location.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Please try to get good grades! Getting distracted by friends is simply not worth it.

Class of 2021

Picture of Former Student

Lebron A.

New Heights Class of 2021

John Jay School for Law Class of 2025

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

Providing challenging assignments helped me become a better student. My teachers pushed me to become a better reader, thinker, and student while at New Heights.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

My family and I reviewed schools nearby and thought New Heights was the best fit. The school was close enough for me to commute and far enough for me to meet new friends.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

I recommend anyone interested in New Heights consider the friend groups you associate yourself with and always try to do your personal best. You are the company that you keep.

Picture of Former Student

Alia B.

New Heights Class of 2021

Brooklyn College Academy Class of 2025

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights provided me with academic challenges at every grade level and held students to high expectations. I also think New Heights helped me improve my social skills too!

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

Initially, I thought the school was okay based on the information I saw online. However, my mom thought we should give New Heights a try. We were not disappointed.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

I recommend any student interested in New Heights remain focus on your goals, ask for help, and remain respectful towards everyone.

Picture of Former Student

Mamadou D.

New Heights Class of 2021

Midwood High School Class of 2025

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights offers students the opportunity to take High School courses for middle school students. This helps students get an advantage when they actually get to high school.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

The location was everything! New Heights was just a bus ride away.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Completing work on time is the best way to be successful in classes. Therefore, check the grading platforms and keep track of your progress.

Picture of Former Student

Savyon J.

New Heights Class of 2021

Murrow High School Class of 2025

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights helped me understand the importance of school. This school offers every student some type of opportunity to make them successful. Outside of academics, there are so many programs for kids to get involved in.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

New Heights location, size, afterschool programming, and academic activities were all selling points.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Prioritize school and remain focus on achieving the best grades you can get. Trust me this will be helpful especially when you begin the High School Admissions process.

Picture of Former Student

Ojay S.

New Heights Class of 2021

Millennium High School - Brooklyn Class of 2025

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

Rigorous mah classes! The opportunity to take Algebra courses has been very helpful and beneficial.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

My family and I reviewed different options in the nearby Crown Heights area. After a visit to the school, we felt like New Heights could be the best option for me because of the small class sizes.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Keep track of your grades and make sure to stay on top of the content taught in classes.

Class of 2020

Picture of a former scholar

Brandy A.

New Heights Class of 2020

Midwood High School Class of 2024

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

In terms of academics, teachers were very clear about expectations regarding assignments and work ethic. This approach with students helped me become better with Time Management in high school. Another area that helped with the transition to high school was utilizing Google Classroom. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers at New Heights were already using Google Classroom.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

Initially, I had some reservations about attending New Heights because it was so close to elementary school. However, my family eventually decided the closeness to my home was an important factor.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Sixth grade is not as difficult as you think! During your first year of middle school, do not worry so much about making friends. Making friends will eventually happen. Focus on completing your assignments and staying on top of your grades.

Picture of a former scholar

Rickisha C.

New Heights Class of 2020

NYC iSchool Class of 2024

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights provided me with extra leadership opportunities like Peer Group Connection and Scholar Internships. I also was afforded the opportunity to participate in the Honors Academy which allowed me to take Regents level classes. My math teacher and social studies teacher was instrumental in getting me prepared for using technology in the classroom.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

New Heights was my parents’ top choice for a middle school. They believed New Heights was the best school for me because students had a voice and are able to freely express their originality.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

New Heights exposed me to diverse types of people. I would advise prospective and current students to join the clubs, sign up for after school programs and stay on top of their school work.

Picture of a former scholar

Christian G.

New Heights Class of 2020

S.T.A.R. Early College School at Erasmus Class of 2024

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights provided exposure to the High School and College throughout your entire time in middle school. There were a lot of programming opportunities to help students understand what life is like after middle school. For example, NH prepares students for the Specialized High School Admission Test (SHSAT), takes students on trips to high schools and colleges as well as provide summer programs for extra academic help.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

The location of New Heights was a big selling point for my family. My mom did inquire more about the school and heard good things about the school.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

New Heights provides opportunities for all students. Don’t be in the background, make sure to shine. Embrace leadership and embrace discomfort, because these things will help you grow.

Class of 2019

Picture of a former scholar

Angelique J.

New Heights Class of 2019

Brooklyn College Academy Class of 2023

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights exposed me to the importance of technology in my education experience. Using computers, tablets, Google Classroom, and a variety of web-based platforms helped me get comfortable with digital learning before entering High School. New Heights’ STEAM program was also important towards a well-rounded education experience. I also like having the opportunity to participate in leadership programs, the Girls Empowerment Movement G.E.M., Medgar Evers STEP and other programs at NH.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

New Heights was a family recommendation. A few family members knew students who attended and gave the school good reviews.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Remain involved in student culture because there is space for every scholar. Get to know your teachers because they are also very helpful.

Picture of a former scholar

Hailey M.

New Heights Class of 2019

The High School of Fashion Industries Class of 2023

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights provides reasonable workloads for students. The school offered High School courses, art classes, internship opportunities and leadership classes. This helped me become

prepared for high school and become more confident in my abilities.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

Family members recommended New Heights as a good fit because of the small school structure.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

Prospective students should know New Heights offer different programs, STEAM curriculum, Peer Group Connection and numerous opportunities to become a leader.

Class of 2018

Marica L.

New Heights Class of 2018

Medgar Evers College Preparatory School Class of 2022

  1. How has New Heights Middle School prepared you for the challenges of High School?

New Heights helped develop my character and leadership skills.

Participating in the Scholar Ambassador program was essential for me to feel more responsible.

  1. What made your family and you decide to apply to New Heights?

New Heights sent a representative to my elementary school to discuss why New Heights was a great option to attend. The presenters created personalized PowerPoint presentations and really did a great job at convincing me why New Heights was the best option for me.

  1. Advice for prospective or current students?

The experiences at New Heights are unique. The opportunities to visit colleges out of state, overnight retreats, and the quality of extracurricular programs proves that there are no other middle schools like New Heights out there.

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