Family Resources

New Heights is a Community School!

A Community School is a partnership between school staff, families, youth, and the community to raise student achievement by ensuring that children are physically, emotionally, and socially prepared to learn. In partnership with the Center for Supportive Schools (CSS), New Heights launched a 5-year partnership to support the school community. CSS’s mission is to develop, disseminate, and promote peer leadership, advisory, and other evidence-based K-12 solutions that enable and inspire schools to fully engage students in learning and accelerate academic achievement. Through this partnership, school-wide initiatives: Attendance Improvement, Academic Support, Family Engagement, Health Supports, and Student Enrollment.

To learn more about the Community School model contact:

Community School Director, Miss Leonisa Johnson,  email: 

Center for Supportive Schools Logo

Food Pantry

New Heights launched a school-based pantry to assist families during this unprecedented time in our society. As a New York City Department of Education, Community School, New Heights plans to allocate resources to continue to raise the achievement and serve as a beacon of support for students.  

New Heights provides food, housing supplies, personal hygiene, and clothing to families. The Marketplace pantry operates on Fridays from 9 am- 1 pm. 

Mentoring Programs

Achievement Mentoring is a school-based prevention and intervention program for grades 4 through 11. Achievement Mentoring supports matches students with a school-based, caring adult who will support, encourage, and advocate for their success.  The program goals are as follows: to awaken the mentee’s passion about achieving life success – now and in the future. Families who would like their child to be paired with an adult mentor, please contact, Miss. Johnson.