Standard 3.8 Human, Material, and Fiscal Resources

Standard 3.8: The institution allocates human, material, and fiscal resources in alignment with the institution’s identified needs and priorities to improve student performance and organizational effectiveness.

Youth Support Committee

In order to meet the needs of struggling students, the school has allocated resources to the implementation of a youth support team. The youth support team's primary goal is to support struggling students in need of more intensive interventions beyond what a teacher can provide within the classroom. The team is comprised of three administrators, five school counselors, five student advocates/trackers, and six specialists. Youth support referrals and interventions are discussed weekly and range from assisting truant students to providing for medical needs. Students needing support are determined by grade reports, teacher referrals, attendance records, and parent feedback.

The youth support committee is divided into smaller teams that work together with the same group of students. The result is that every student at Payson High School has an administrator, counselor, and student advocate to support them if needed.

Youth Support Overview, Norms, and Agendas.pdf

Student Advocates

Over the past five years, the school has gone from one adult tracker to five student advocates. The student advocates are adult technicians who work one-on-one with struggling students, including our remote-learning students. They work on supporting the development of "school skills": organization, daily planning, scheduling, communication, and homework completion.

Access to Community Resources

Nebo School District currently has one social worker assigned to each high school catchment area. Our school social worker functions as a liaison between individual student and family needs and community resources. They help students get access to reading glasses, backpacks, food, health care, etc. Through referrals from our youth support team, the social worker even provides opportunity for group and individual therapy.

Because of the increase in demand for physical and mental health resources, school social workers have become an essential part of the school's ability to meet the basic needs of students. Without these needs being met, there is no way for our students to succeed academically.

Teacher Office Hours

In the 2020-2021 school year, the state Board of Education opened the possibility of doing various versions of an alternative/shortened school schedule as a COVID pandemic response. The Nebo District decided to do an early-out schedule each day. This early-out schedule gave us 70 minutes of teacher contract time after school. As a school, we branded this time as "Power Hour," and set aside Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for teachers to have open office hours to work with ay and all students. This work may include re-teaching, exam make-ups, answering questions, working on projects, getting caught up, etc. Teachers can also use this time to work with students who have been absent or quarantined and to work on their digital curricula. The Wednesday Power Hour has been set aside for teachers to engage in one of two things: 1) Work on their digital curricula, or 2) self-directed professional development pursuits. Attached here you will find the slideshow the school used to train our students on this new Power Hour program.

Day 3: Student Policies Presentation - Attendance, Parking, and Power Hour

Credit Recovery Opportunities

Our graduation and grade report data have continued to show a need to offer credit recovery options to high school students throughout their high school experience. At Payson High School, we have a few different avenues students can use if they are deficient credit: PHS classes, learning strategies, and online classes. One of the primary goals in offering various options is to try to prevent the need for students to attend an alternative high school, drop out, and/or have a need for adult education. District data informed us that the likelihood of graduation and academic success is greater if a student does not have to change school placement. Consequently, we have found it necessary to provide credit recovery options in-house as a Tier 2 Intervention option before intensifying to a change of placement.

The novel coronavirus has created an even greater need for our school to provide learning recovery options for students. Because of this, we allocated resources to seven sections of learning strategies classes. After moving completely remote in the fourth term of last school year, many parents and students gave us feedback that remote learning was difficult for their family situation, especially when students were trying to recover credit for graduation. We found that most students needed a place, time, and facilitator in order to make progress with their credit recovery. This is why we started the learning strategies classes. These classes are offered at the school with a teacher or technician in the classroom. The students use a program called Edgenuity that allows them to work on .25 credit at a time. We anticipate the need to add more learning strategies classes in the future as we continue to address the fallout from the global pandemic.

Master Schedule 2020/21 (Aug 19)

Learning Strategies Class

Inclusion Classes

For special education students with mild/moderate disabilities, we offer co-taught inclusion classes in math, language arts, science, and social studies. Inclusion classes are co-taught by a regular education teacher, highly qualified in the content area, and a special education teacher. Inclusion classes have approximately 20-30 students and are a mix of general education students and 8-15 students with IEPs.

Master Schedule 2020/21 (Aug 19)

Student of the Month

Research shows that Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an effective system for improving student performance. One PBIS program that PHS has implemented for years and will continue to implement is Student of the Month. This program allows teachers to recognize six students each month for achievement in their respective disciplines. Students receive recognition, a certificate, and some type of reward for being selected. It also functions as a way to recognize student not just for capability within a discipline but for character, work ethic, and other dispositions. The program also helps the school develop relationships of trust with the students and their parents.

Advanced Coursework

Advanced Placement and Concurrent Enrollment

Payson High and Nebo School District have designated resources to expand advanced learning opportunities in order to better prepare students to be more college and/or career ready. These opportunities are offered on and off campus.

Currently, PHS has two programs the can provide students college credit: Advanced Placement (AP) and Concurrent Enrollment (CE) classes. In addition, the Career and Trade Education (CTE) programs can offer certifications in trades.

Off campus, students can take classes at the Advanced Learning Center (ALC) or Mountainland Technical College (MTech). Many of these classes provide the training and learning of a post high school institution, but at a fraction of the cost.

Master Schedule 2020/21 (Aug 19)

ACT/SAT Test Prep

Over the past five years, Payson High School has increased the number of students that take the ACT exam by designating a day each school year for high school juniors to take the exam. The exam is free of charge, during school hours, and on campus. The school also offers after- and before-school ACT prep classes, access to test prep booklets, and other resources to help students prepare. Since most colleges require students to take the ACT exam for enrollment, even open enrollment, this service greatly helps students complete one of the main requirements for furthering their learning in the post-secondary world.

eProve Teacher Survey Results

When asked how often they have ample resources (material, fiscal, and personnel) to assist them in meeting the needs of their students, 93% of teachers said "almost always" or "often." This is an area of strength for us. We work hard as an administrative team to make resources available. We are currently planning some on-going professional development training on how to access materials and resources.