Standard 2.12 Program and Organization Assessment

Standard 2.12: The institution implements a process to continuously assess its programs and organizational conditions to improve student learning.

School Community Council (SCC)

The school community council at Payson High is a team composed of administrators, teachers, and other community members. This group meets frequently to discuss important decisions and changes relevant to the Payson High School community. Community members have an opportunity to provide valuable feedback regarding programs and procedures at Payson High School through School Community Council.

Student Learning Objective (SLO)

Every teacher at Payson High School creates a student learning objective for the year. These student learning objectives are used to give teachers data about the performance of students throughout the year. This data can be used to help students reach their highest potential.

SLO Template
Copy of SLO #2 Biology Dragons

Stakeholder Surveys

Each year, students, parents, teachers, and other members of the Payson High Community are surveyed about their experiences with Payson High School and its staff. These results are used to inform decisions about programs run by the school. Results from the stakeholder survey are also shared with teachers and can be used as part of the teacher observation and evaluation process.