Standard 1.6: Supervision and Evaluation

Standard 1.6: Leaders implement staff supervision and evaluation processes to improve professional practice and organizational effectiveness.

Teacher Evaluation Assignments

The administrative team at PHS is constantly in classrooms.

  • Classroom Drop-Ins: Regularly, members of the administrative team are visiting classrooms. The purpose of these visits is to get to know the students, teachers and staff and to build a culture of support.

  • Formal Observations: Each teacher has a formal summative evaluation every 3 years, with informal observations the 2 years in between.

We use the Utah teacher Observation Tool for the formal observations we do, which we discuss in greater detail in Standard 1.3: Continuous Improvement.

Mentor Program

The Nebo School District generally and PHS in particular have a robust mentoring program for new teachers in their first three years. Our assigned mentors do a variety of things for and with their assigned mentees, including holding regular meetings where they train them on the teaching craft, observing them regularly in the classroom, facilitating their observing of other teachers both within PHS and at other schools, informally checking in with them, and ultimately being a go-to friend for advise, wisdom, and help.

Continuous Improvement

Standard 1.3 of this accreditation portfolio outlines the great work PHS is doing for improving our professional practice. This includes professional development opportunities, department collaborations, and teacher observations.

eProve Teacher Survey Results

When asked how often they "receive feedback from my supervisor regarding my professional performance," only 38% said "frequently and regularly." This is an area where the PHS administration must improve. This year had the convergence of the COVID pandemic with an accreditation year. Together, these two factors created a perfect storm of issues that took up much of the administrators' time. Their hope is to organize their time better so that they can provide more frequent low risk feedback to faculty and staff.