Standard 3.2 Collaboration and Collegiality

Standard 3.2: The institution’s professional learning structure and expectations promote collaboration and collegiality to improve learner performance and organizational effectiveness.

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

PHS is a professional learning community. We meet together often in both formal and informal ways and in both large and small groups to collaborate and improve. Monday afternoons are one of the set times for formal PLC collaborations. Teachers meet in teacher teams, mostly organized by department, to align curriculum, discuss professional practice, review data, and collaborate on how to work with specific students. The artifact linked here is the Team Report form that each team fills out after their PLC collaboration. Doing so helps to focus the teacher teams on the kind of work for which this time is intended.

Staff Luncheons

One beloved PHS tradition is the monthly staff luncheons. During the pandemic this tradition has been put on hold, but in all non-pandemic years, this has been an important example of the collegiality that we enjoy. Each month, we host a themed potluck lunch, including everything from BLTs, peaches-n-cream, baked potato bars, and holiday treats, to soups, chilis, and sub sandwiches. The employees love getting together over lunch to laugh, chat, and enjoy the shared great food.

One Pride Project

We believe in the power of community and relationships. The One Pride Project is one program that we have in place to facilitate this among our student body. Each of our extra-curricular performing groups was assigned to another group to be their "biggest fans." The One Pride Project helps all groups to feel supported not only by the adults in the school, but also by their classmates. You can read about this program by clicking on the attached document.

One Pride 20-21

eProve Teacher Survey Results

When asked about their collaboration, 88% of our faculty responded that they participate in formal professional collaboration with their peers "frequently and regularly." This is an area of great strength for us.