Standard 1.5: Ethics

Standard 1.5: The governing authority adheres to a code of ethics and functions within defined roles and responsibilities.

The Nebo District School Board

All of our school board members operate under a written code of ethics that identifies principles of conduct and ethical standards within the institution. See the attached artifact to read the code of conduct. Each year the Nebo School Board attends trainings and participates on committees with teachers, community members, and local school administrators to ensure the district is staying focused on their three areas of focus: curriculum, safety and well-being, and employee support.

Additionally, the governing authority functions within defined roles and responsibilities. (Nebo School Board Home Page),

Division of Responsibilities

The Nebo School Board also functions within defined roles and responsibilities. See the attached link.

Each administrator is assigned a specific list of responsibilities. Doing so ensures that every program and area of responsibility for the school are given the attention they require.

Administrative Assignments 2020-21

Policy Training

Faculty and staff receive training on policies and procedures at the start of each school year. These policies are updated and revised over the years due to the needs of our school and district. The yearly training is provided through a district Canvas course. The general consensus from the faculty is that the training is necessary and includes the needed information, but the actual execution of the training is boring and does not follow skillful pedagogy. In addition to the Canvas course, completed independently by faculty and staff, we also cover several critical policies in person. The artifact here is the slideshow that accompanied one of our face-to-face critical policy trainings: Diversity

An area for improvement we have identified, and that we have control over, is in training our community volunteers. We have noticed that sometimes they will violate school or district policies out of ignorance. A plan is in place to develop a short (and hopefully effective) training module for our volunteers to do prior to beginning their volunteer work.