Are you interested in videos addressing some of the garden topics you're most interested in? The sites below are our top picks.

1. JC Raulston Arboretum YouTube Channel

This is a fantastic site! You'll find videos from all the educational sessions offered by the arboretum, including the Mid-Week with Mark series (he's director of the arboretum). 

2. Joe Gardener TV YouTube Channel

Joe Lamp'l is the "joe" behind Joe Gardener. He's a passionate organic gardener who loves to grow pretty much everything. And, he's a former Master Gardener.

​3. NC Wildflowers

This YouTube channel is all about native plants in North Carolina, including the Charlotte area. Scroll down to see sessions covered by Dr. Larry Mellichamp, former director of UNCC Botanical Gardens and author of several native plant books. He's excellent!

4. NC State Extension YouTube Channel

You'll find several videos here, including ones pertaining to crop production. There are also videos on Plants, Pests and Pathogens, the monthly series in 2020.