Creating a beautiful and functional garden design is within the reach of anyone who is interested in gardening. Master Gardener articles, classes and workshops provide the essential information about the right plant for the right place. We offer guidance in organizing plants and hardscape elements into an environmentally responsible and sustainable plan for your home garden.

 How Does Your Garden Grow? 



Times have been tough in Mecklenburg County, NC, and other Zone 7b-8a gardens with reduced rainfall and severe temperatures.  A gardening solution is the use of drought tolerant plants that survive on less water, a concept of gardening called Xeriscape.  ​

Water Effectively and Efficiently!  

Heat Wave Tips For Gardeners  

The Top 10 Ways 

Pam Crown

Heat Wave Garden Tips - Mecklenburg Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers.pdf

Tough Plants for Tough Times, Fall Warriors   Mary Stauble


Garden Themes

There are many ways to organize and design a garden, but a very useful method is to develop a garden around a specific theme, such as an Herb Garden, Butterfly Garden, Dye Garden, Medicinal Garden, Vegetable Garden, Cutting Garden, Meadow Garden, and many more....  We know you'll find inspiration here!    

Rain Gardening

Debbie Blystone

Bog Gardening

Dr. Larry Mellichamp, Guest Writer

Accessibility Gardening:

Adaptations for Physical Impairments

Diane LaBonte

Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Tropical Gardening

Diane LaBonte

The ABCs of School Gardens

Margaret Genkins


Diane LaBonte