Herbs - Culinary, Cultivation, Harvest, Uses 

Herbarism refers to the study and use of herbs.  Herbs are quintessenial drought tolerant plants and are so easy to grow a novice can find success in herbal horticulture.  Characteristically, herbs are useful plants, oftentimes with more than one use.

Rosemary - Darling Of The Kitchen Is A Workhorse In Aromatherapy by Tonya Banbury

We tell individuals we need to know the Latin name of a plant before attempting an ID.  Common names are, well, common, and can vary by region.  Guess what?  The need for specificity is even greater where essential oils [EO] are concerned. The herb, Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis, is one of the best examples. Turns out this darling of the kitchen is truly a workhorse in aromatherapy due to Rosemary’s three distinct chemotypes, dependent upon its country of origin. More...