The demonstration garden at Freedom Park was designed in 2006 by a group of Extension Master Gardener volunteers. Since then, we've added more plants, removed others and made more changes, including adding stones in 2022. 

The garden makes good use of undulating berms, providing distinctly different planting strategies with sun or shade exposures.  You'll see a variety of plants that are pollinator magnets. The garden is near the Mahlon Adams Pavilion at 2453 Cumberland Ave., Charlotte.  

Exciting news for us is, with the Extension office's move to 2415 Lester Street in Charlotte in late 2022, a team of 20 Master Gardener volunteers identified and installed about 100 plants in front of the Extension office and the Recreation Center that's next door. The buildings were transformed!  

The stone was moved from a previous location and installed at the Freedom garden in 2022.  The group also installed stepping stones in part of the garden.

Some of the team at the Freedom garden during work day in June. It's a hard-working, talented crew!

Some of the volunteers who installed plants at the new location on Lester Street.