
The Mecklenburg Extension Master Gardener Volunteer (EMGV) program operates under the Mecklenburg Center of the NC Cooperative Extension Service (NCCES), a part of NC State University and NC A&T State University, to provide research-based information about gardening and environmental stewardship to individuals, organizations, and communities. 

About this website: It's one of the ways Extension Master Gardener Volunteers in urban Mecklenburg County, North Carolina provide a wealth of local and regional gardening research and events. Featuring knowledgeable Extension Master Gardener writers, researchers, photographers and special guests along with garden events in the region.​

Terms of Use  This website by Extension Master Gardener volunteers in Mecklenburg County is produced with individual works of original authorship, and all rights are reserved.  The use or reproduction of the works for commercial purposes may only be conducted with express written permission.  To obtain permission please contact the Mecklenburg County Cooperative Extension Director or Horticulture Agent.  There contact info can be found at https://mecklenburg.ces.ncsu.edu/people/​

Any use of published articles from this website must provide proper attribution to the author. Use of these articles in any way that suggests an endorsement of you or your use is prohibited.  

Copyright: All content published on this website is the property of  North Carolina State University and/or Extension Master Gardeners Volunteers of Mecklenburg County.  Accordingly, any use, copying, revision or manipulation of this website's content without the express written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited. © copyright 2011-2018 All rights reserved by North Carolina State University and/or the Extension Master Gardeners Volunteers of Mecklenburg County.   All articles posted beginning on January 1st, 2017, are property of North Carolina State University.  All articles posted prior to 2017 are property of their respective authors.

Policy & Disclaimer: The gardening information on this Extension Master Gardeners Volunteer site conforms with NCSU and NCA&T sustainable gardening practices, under the guidance of North Carolina State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, as directed by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. The information offered is provided by many different people.  We try to keep it accurate and up to date and will not guarantee that it is.

​Please use the information at your own risk. 

This website is operated by the Mecklenburg Extension Master Gardener Volunteers under the supervision and instruction of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service.   Every effort is made to keep our information and recommendations in line with the current knowledge base and best practices from university research. ​If you see something that should be corrected or updated please  email the full url in your message.