6.1.5) Keysight RF Sensor Experiments


AERPAW fixed nodes LW2, LW3, LW4, and LW5 in Lake Wheeler and CC1 in Centennial Campus have Keysight N6841A RF Sensors. These sensors have a wideband RF receiver with a 20 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range and a maximum real-time bandwidth of 20 MHz. They are embedded within an environmentally rugged IP67-rated weatherproof enclosure, and they have an integrated GPS for sensor location and time-synchronous applications. Their signal LOOKback memory of 4.8 secs at 20 MHz BW makes it possible to detect, process, and locate short-duration signals or interference reliably. Some use cases for N6841A RF sensors include automated spectrum monitoring, signal intercept, collection, and classification using N6820ES Signal Surveyor 4D software, signal capture and analysis using 89601B Vector Signal Analyzer software, and emitter location and RF geo-analytics using N6854A Geolocation Server software. 

Key Features of Keysight RF Sensors

Data Sheet for N6841A

Software to Interface with Keysight RF Sensors

AERPAW experimenters can use various commercial Keysight software to interface with Keysight RF sensors by remotely connecting to an AERPAW computer.

You can use the official website of Keysight to download the latest version of any software manual and tutorials: https://support.keysight.com/KeysightdCX/s/?language=en_US -- type the software name in the search bar which will bring technical overviews and user manuals.