5.3.1) Software Defined Radios


AERPAW has various types of USRP platforms from NI deployed at the platform. Both the AERPAW fixed nodes and the portable nodes have USRP B205mini and USRP B210 deployed and available for experimentation. Features of these USRPs include the following: 

In addition, USRP N310 and USRP X310 are deployed in all the fixed nodes. However, they are not accessible by default by experimenters. If you are interested in using these USRPs for some reason, please contact the AERPAW team at aerpaw-contact@ncsu.edu 

Various example experiments using USRPs are available under the Experiment Repository section and available to experimenters to program in AERPAW's digital twin.  

                         NI USRP X310 

Each USRP available in AERPAW features RF front ends both on the transmitting and receiving paths. This page details the design of the AERPAW's RF front ends.