OFDM Post-Processing
1) OFDM Post-processing
OFDM Post-processing code link: [download]
Download the code above place the [timestamp]_vehicleOut.txt log and [timestamp]_radio_log.txt from your experiment in the logs folder. Edit 'main.m' so that 'fname_gps' and 'fname_radio' variables use the new logs. Run 'main.m' in MATLAB which generates some plots. Example results are shown in section 2.
2) OFDM Post-processing Sample Results
To generate the results below we follow GE1 sample experiment using one fixed node and one portable node. In the fixed node, we run 'startGNURadio-OFDM-TX.sh' as the radio application. In the portable node, we run 'startGNURadio-OFDM-RX.sh' as the radio application and 'startPreplannedTrajectory.sh' as the vehicle application. The default scripts at /root/Profiles/ProfileScripts/Radio/Helpers/startOFDMTX.sh and /root/Profiles/ProfileScripts/Radio/Helpers/startOFDMRX.sh are modified to extend their duration to 180 seconds for the default trajectory. All the logs from the portable node and the fixed node are saved in the OFDM post-processing code link given above. The vehicle log named '2023-05-08_09_14_59_vehicleOut.txt' and radio log named '2023-05-08_09_14_59_radio_log.txt' are used to generate the results below. Downloading the code in Section 1 and running 'main.m' without any modifications should generate the following plots.