Workshop #9

Welcome to Workshop #9!

In our ninth workshop, we will focus on how to use present moment attention to deal with difficult emotions.

Don't forget to complete your Gratitude Journal this week. You can complete the online Gratitude Journal OR print the gratitude journal document at the bottom of Workshop #2.

Coloring Activity

Let's start by practicing coloring in the present moment. Below are several printable coloring pages along with a script to lead you through the activity.

Coloring is a great strategy to use when experiencing difficult emotions because it actually helps relax the amygdala – the section of the brain that is activated in situations where you feel stressed or scared.

Present Moment Coloring Script - Website.pdf
Mindful Coloring Pages 2.PDF
Mindful Coloring Pages.PDF

After trying this exercise, ask yourself these questions about your experience: What did you notice? When you noticed your mind wandering, could you bring it back to the feel of the pen or the image on the page? Was this different than other times that you have colored? How do you feel now?

Labeling Emotions

Pick one situation below and think about what emotion(s) you experience during this situation.

  • Get in a fight with your sibling

  • Lose a big game

  • Fail a test

  • Try something new

  • Make a new friend

  • Go to a birthday party

Note which Mood Meter quadrant each emotion you experienced falls in:

Everyone cycles through multiple emotions every day. Managing the emotions that feel unpleasant, such as the emotions that fall in the Blue or Red quadrant of the Mood Meter, can be difficult. Today we will learn how to use present moment attention to manage our emotions.

Feelings Are Like The Weather

“Our emotions can be similar to the weather. A particularly challenging mood, or difficult emotion, can pop up at any time. By not wishing these feelings away, or wishing they were different from what they are in the moment, you can learn to notice the “weather” inside of you. Noticing our emotions non-judgmentally is like viewing the weather out of a window from the comfort of our home, versus being caught outside in the storm.

What does the last sentence mean to you?

Feelings are similar to the weather. We cannot just decide to change the weather, or our emotions. Both the weather and our emotions are also always changing. However, all feelings, like the weather, pass. We need to notice our emotions non-judgmentally and actively use strategies if we want to change where we are on the Mood Meter.

Non-Judgmental Versus Judgmental Thoughts

When learning about present moment attention, we discussed being aware without making judgements. When thinking about our emotions, we want to practice looking at them non-judgmentally as well.

Determine which statements below are already non-judgmental in nature, and try changing the ones that are judgmental.

Judgmental VS Nonjudgmental .pdf

Let us know how this activity went for you! Was it difficult to be non-judgmental of your emotions?

Dealing With Unpleasant Emotions

Here are some important tips to take away from today's lesson!

6 Steps for Dealing with Difficult Emotions.pdf

Resource Citation

Wave Quote Image:

Mood Meter: RULER created by Dr. Marc Brackett