Grading Features

Gradebook Basics

The gradebook is one of the most powerful tools Moodle has to offer, and as a result requires there is somewhat of a learning curve for new users. Depending upon how complicated your needs are, the gradebook can range from a simple location in which to manually record grades, to a complex series of formulas for weighting and calculating grades. In any event, it provides you with a means by which to share grades immediately with your students.

We highly recommend using the Moodle online grade book tool to provide grading transparency and real-time data for your students. The system will calculate an overall course grade for you, offering a quick and efficient way to track the progress of students within a course throughout the semester.  While you can see all student grades as an instructor, remember that students can only see their own grades in your course! 

New!!! -  Watch this instructional video walking through the gradebook settings setup process!

You can find additional instructions  on this site for following gradebook topics :

Gradebook Setup Overview

The gradebook setup screen provides access to the master settings for using the gradebook in your Moodle course. 

To access the gradebook setup screen:

a.  Add a manual grade item: Create a new manual entry-grade item in the gradebook.

1a. Grade items: Blue text grade items indicates that they are connected to an existing course activity.

1a*.Manual Grade item:  Black text indicates it is a manual grade item

b. Add category button: Create a new grading category in the gradebook. Once a category is created, you will need to move individual grade items and activities into the category to enter scores.

1b. Grade Category: A category is a group of many like items that are calculated together for an overall percentage of the course total (ex. Quizzes, Homework, etc.) A category is identifiable by an upper folder icon and a lower Σ symbol which represents the total points in the category. To enter a score that is part of a category, at least one individual grade item needs to be added to the category.

Additional Resources: