
Grading Submitted Assignments

Students submit work to the electronic drop-box or Assignment you created in the format that you deem appropriate in your assignment directions. Submitted assignments can be scored using either the In-line Grading Feature or the Quick Grading method described below.

Accessing Submitted Work

Students submit work to the electronic drop-box or Assignment you created in the format that you deem appropriate in your assignment directions. Submitted assignments can be scored using either the In-line Grading Feature or the Quick Grading method described below.

Step 1: Submitted work can be accessed from both the course page and gradebook view. 

(a)     Click the assignment title on the course page.

Step 2: Click on View all submissions to access submission details. 

Once viewing the Grading Summary, you will see a list of statistics regarding the number of student submissions, as well as the number of assignments that need to be graded. 

Grading Page Orientation

Once in the view all submissions screen, all students in your class roster will be visible.

(a) The Grading Action drop-down menu allows users to download all submitted files at once for review and editing in another application, like Microsoft Word. See the Downloading Bulk Assignment files page for details about this process. 

(b) The Grade button navigates you to the inline grading tool.

(c) The First name /Last name column displays student names and can be filtered by clicking on the column heading. 

(d) The File submissions column displays all student-submitted files.  Individual files be downloaded to your computer by clicking on the file name. 

Using the In-line Grading Feature

The inline grading feature allows you to efficiently review and grade student submissions from within Moodle. This process displays the submitted document in a viewing panel and provides options for adding annotations. The annotated copy of the submitted file will then be automatically returned to the student as a feedback file. 

Note: See the video overview on the In-line Grading feature for detailed instructions. 

Step 1: From within the Grading Summary view, click the Grade button to access the inline grading feature. 

Step 2: Review the document displayed within the left-side panel and annotate as appropriate. 

Step 3: Enter a score for the assignment in the Grade field. 

Step 4: If desired, enter comments in the Feedback Comments field.

Step 5: Click Save Changes to add the grade and comments to the grade book. 

Step 6: Once complete, click the Change user menu arrow to view another student's submission.

Using the Quick Grading Method

If Quick grading is enabled, you will be able to add grades and feedback directly on the View all grade submissions page. Quick grading can be enabled by scrolling to the bottom of the screen and checking the box next to the words Quick grading

Step 1: Enter a score in the Grade field.

Step 2: Enter comment text in the Feedback comments field. 

Step 3: Click Save all quick grading changes when finished.