Moodle Gradebook

Moving Gradebook Items

Grade items in the gradebook can be moved to adjust the order of the items and/or place items into a grading category.  The steps below explain how reorder a single item and also move multiple items into a gradebook category.

Option 1:  Moving a single grade item 

Step 1:  On the course page header, click Grades

Step 2: The Grader report will display all current scores for your roster in the gradebook.  To access the grade book settings, from the drop-down click Setup.

Step 3: Click the Move icon next to the item or category that needs to be moved. This will trigger the gradebook to refresh and display new set of icons next to each item in the gradebook. 

Step 4: Click the location icon next to the desired location of the grade item. Once you click the location icon, the gradebook will refresh and display the new order of the grade items. 

Option 2:  Moving multiple grade items into a category.  

Individual grade items can be moved into a category using the steps outlined in Option 1 of this guide. If multiple items need to be placed into a category, they can be reordered using the bulk movement process shown below.  

Note: Prior to beginning this process, you need to add a category to your gradebook

Step 1: Beginning on the Gradebook setup page, click the check box for each item you would like to move in the Select column.

Step 2: Click the Move selected items to field and choose the appropriate category title from the drop-down menu.  

Once the choice is made from the category list, the gradebook will then refresh and place the items in the correct location.    

Note: Gradebook items with a category can be reordered using the Move icon as outlined in Option 1 of this guide.