Moodle Gradebook

Updating Item Weighting in the Gradebook

When using the Natural grading aggregation, gradebook weighting is created based on the Max Grade value for each item.  Although initial weight for items (and categories) is based off of the max value of items, you do have ability to enter a custom weight value for the final calculation. 

Note:  Natural aggregation is the default grading calculation for Moodle courses. 

Step 1:  On the course page, go the Navigation Drawer and click Grades.

Step 2: The Grader report will display all current scores for your roster in the gradebook.  To access the grade book settings, click on grader report for a drop-down menu to appear. Select Gradebook Setup.

Once on the Setup screen, the Weights column automatically displays a value for items based on the Max grade.

Ex. Reading Reflection is weighted as 4.651 based on it being 20 points out of the Course total of 430

Step 3: To add a custom weight for an item, click the checkbox next to the weight field for the item and then enter your new value. 

Note: Multiple custom weights can be adjusted one time. As the screenshot displays, Weights can be updated for grade items and/or a grade category (grouping of grades) in the gradebook.

Step 4: To save your custom weights, click the Save Changes button. 

Once you click Save changes, the gradebook item weighting will recalculate to include your forced weights. This will also adjust other items (or categories) to ensure all weights in the gradebook total 100%. 

Note: If you find that items you entered are not displaying as expected, you should verify that the weighting will result in exactly 100%.  If the total is more or less than 100% by any amount, the system will automatically override any gradebook weighting you set so that it reaches 100%.

Best Practice: Always leave one weight field unchecked in the gradebook. The system will automatically fill in any remaining weight that is unaccounted for. 

 If items are still not displaying correctly, check each grade category setting and make sure that "Natural" aggregation is selected. Be sure to check "Exclude empty grades".