Moodle Gradebook

Dropping the Lowest Grade in a Category

When using grading categories, instructors have the ability to set the system to automatically drop the lowest grade.   This grade adjustment will apply automatically throughout the semester when students review their grades. 

Note: In order to set the drop the lowest grade feature, the items within in the category must have the same max point value!

Step 1:  On the course page header, click  Grades. 

Step 2: The Grader report will display all current scores for your roster in the gradebook.  To access the grade book settings, click Gradebook Setup from the grader report drop-down.

Step 3: Click the Edit link next to the category and select Edit settings from the drop-down menu. 

Step 4: Locate the Drop the lowest field and enter a 1.

Note: This field will be locked if items within the category have different Max grade values. To unlock the field, you will need to go into each of the grade items and make sure they all have the same Max grade value. 

Step 5: Click Save changes when finished. 

Once the setting has been saved, the category total area will indicate it will automatically drop the lowest grade value.