Lesson 15: The Ultimate Test

Lesson 15

The ultimate test


Students will participate in an activity called "Poison Score-O", which is designed to evaluate their ability to use a map and identify locations based on that map. Worry not, there is no actual poison in this activity.

Learning Objectives for Lesson:



This activity is designed to challenge and test all of the skills they've learned throughout the semester. In order to be successful, all the students need to do is read the map, decipher where each checkpoint is located, and visit those checkpoints. But not every checkpoint is a good one. If it is not marked on the map, they should avoid it. Not only must they be able to find the correct locations by reading the map; they must also be able to use the map to decide when something is missing.


Class Treasure Hunt: The teacher hides numerous objects throughout the space which the students must find as a group.

Main Activity:

Poison Score-O: Students use a map to find the location of hidden checkpoints. Not all hidden checkpoints, however, are marked on the map. The students must only visit the marked checkpoints, while being certain to avoid all those that are not marked.


Extra Activity:

Kids' Choice: It's the last class. Let the students decide!


Some students will struggle with this activity, especially on the younger side. It is worthwhile to pick a single checkpoint on the map, and encourage them to describe where that checkpoint should be in as much detail as possible. You may need to ask leading questions for this, such as "Should it be next to that tree?" or "Is it beside the table, or on top of it?"