Electronic Timing

Teaching without electronics

Navigation Games often uses an electronic timing system with its orienteering activities. You do not need electronics to teach orienteering! We use it because it helps us make sure participants understand the activity, because kids love the beeping, and it frees us up from checking results to focus on teaching. 

There are two main functions for the timing system: (1) checking that visited all the checkpoints in the right order, and (2) providing the elapsed time. Both of these things can be done without electronics!

Checking yourself at each checkpoint

Students should be taught how to check themselves that they visited the right checkpoints. This may be as simple as matching a picture to a card that they carry. You may have stickers, hole punches, or codes at each checkpoint that the students record onto a card they carry with them. 

Timing individuals

There is a timing component built in to some of these lessons, and orienteering is normally a timed sport (similar to cross country running, cycling, skiing, speed skating, etc.). Timing students as they participate is an excellent way to encourage them to develop their speed, improve their skills, and even practice their memory. It can also provide competition for students who are interested.

It is important to remember, however, that not all students feel comfortable being timed, especially when this is a new activity they are still learning. Even when timing is used, it’s important to emphasize accuracy in orienteering as opposed to raw speed. Finding all of the correct checkpoints is more important than finding them quickly.

Timing the whole class

Timing is also used to measure the success of the class overall. This is a very effective way of uniting the students, developing their teamwork, and emphasizing cooperation. In addition, it establishes the expectations that the students are working together as a class, and that every person’s individual actions can affect the group as a whole. It encourages the practice of helping each other learn.

SPORTIdent and EasyGec

SPORTIdent is the electronic timing system used in most of the world for orienteering events. We use SPORTIdent at Navigation Games. Runners carry a timing card with them and use it to check in at an electronic box at each checkpoint.

EasyGec is a program that tells students whether they visited the checkpoints in the right order, and reports their elapsed time. Navigation Games has created a variation of EasyGec called EasyGecNG.

Equipment and supplies for electronic timing

Click here to see what you equipment you need for using SPORTIdent to teach kids orienteering!

Instructions for using EasyGecNG

The file linked below includes:

About the electronic timing system

For those interested in the electronic timing system, which is used in most club orienteering events:

Intro Instructions for SPORTident Equipment - https://sites.google.com/navigationgames.org/management/programs/equipment-materials/epunch-equipment 

Analysis Spreadsheet - https://sites.google.com/d/1oakXXFsR7nLvIDemmmtB_rL_2sMkyPfq/p/1zOoPMidSQFtnlyakUSUEdby4BNoZKe6E/edit 

SPORTident Center - https://center.sportident.com/ 

SPORTident Config+ - https://www.sportident.com/products/96-software/156-sportident-config-plus.html 

EasyGec (Website is in French) - http://t.porret.free.fr/lienlogiciel.php?idmenu=60 

Electronic TimingTutorial

Clean EasyGecNG files

You can download pre-built EasyGecNG files from Navigation Games. Make sure you select the files that match the animals in your kit:

Select this set of EasyGecNG files if you use the "classic" animals.

Select this set of EasyGecNG files if you use the "Carlson" animals.

Instructions for installing EasyGecNG

Installation instructions are in the document linked below.

Software Installations for Orienteering (CPSD)

Data Analysis

Collecting data with SPORTIdent allows the possibility of using that data to analyze student performance over time. This is an ongoing project at Navigation Games. An example of analyzing an elementary school class is here.

External links to learn more

Intro Instructions for SPORTident Equipment - https://sites.google.com/navigationgames.org/management/programs/equipment-materials/epunch-equipment 

SPORTident Center - https://center.sportident.com/ 

SPORTident Config+ - https://www.sportident.com/products/96-software/156-sportident-config-plus.html 

EasyGec (Website is in French) - http://t.porret.free.fr/lienlogiciel.php?idmenu=60 

Videos showing kids using EasyGec