Your Favorite Editors Are Back At It: Critiquing NFL Team Uniforms

Keira McDonough, Media & Communications Manager, and Ella Stern, Editor-In-Chief  |  April 2022

DISCLAIMER: All we did for research was look up a list of team names and their corresponding uniforms.

New Orleans Saints:

These colors are CLASSY. Black and gold? Timeless. Fashionable. It’s giving football award show. 11/10.

Baltimore Ravens:

The black and purple makes me think of ravens, so I’m into this one. The coordination is good, and always points for purple. More sports teams need pink and purple in their uniforms.

Carolina Panthers:

Not only is this a solid team name, but the colors are very nice and appealing to the eye. My least favorite thing in the world is when schools and teams choose colors that are ugly together to be their colors and then you never want to wear any school or team merch because who wants to wear dark blue and brick red together? Nobody, Natick High. Blue and white are simply good colors together. And so are blue and black. Blue and black make a bruise, and that’s what they’ll inflict upon their enemies.

Tennessee Titans:

I love the blue color scheme, it’s cool and appealing to the eye. However, it didn’t live up to its potential. The logo is so slick and they could’ve done a cool design with it but they stayed safe. Appreciate the colors, but football is about taking risks.

Cincinnati Bengals:

Yes, the colors are ugly because orange is gross. However, it matches the team name and the stripes on the side are super cool. Overall a solid uniform. I love that the default uniform is black with orange instead of orange and black because it reduces the amount of orange I have to see. The helmets slap though. It’s like a costume instead of a uniform. #TonyTheTiger

Detroit Lions: 

Nice uniforms, wrong color. Lions aren’t blue, dummies. Also, the alternate is gross. No groutfits.

Minnesota Vikings:

The first two are good, because purple. But the alternate uniform is gross. Ew. Too much yellow that doesn’t go with purple. 

Houston Texans:

Points off for the least creative team name possible, but points for the fact that the colors are the colors of the Texas flag. They chose regular reds and blues that go together well and not ugly, clashing reds and blues. Uncreative, but solid.

New England Patriots:

Red, white, and blue for the USA. Tried and true colors that are flattering on anyone. 

Arizona Cardinals:

Looks like a cardinal. While I have other opinions about the name of the team, the uniform fits the vibes. Easy to spot on the battlefield. 

Oakland Raiders:

I like that it’s black and white because it’s better than orange and purple or anything ugly and bright that clashes. However, they could’ve taken a step out of their comfort zone and not played it so safe. Add some pink! You’ll look more interesting in a bright color. People don’t want to watch you if you look boring.

Washington Commanders:

These are fine except for the alternate uniform. It doesn’t look like it matches the color scheme or the rest of the uniforms. Better in theory than in execution.

Chicago Bears:

Ella likes that they use their color wheel because they have complementary colors. Keira thinks they’re ugly colors together. And Ella says the alternate uniform is too orange.

Atlanta Falcons:

Um. Why are there so many different colors? What makes you so special? It’s difficult for fans to follow, especially fans of the other team. What if they’re playing the Cardinals? Then what happens?

Tampa Bay Buccaneers:

Ella is positive that this is the worst one so far. The color is some weird grey-ish-brown that looks even worse when you pair it with red. Points off for stealing Brady and Gronk. Points for an awesome team name. But who thought these colors were a good idea? 

Green Bay Packers:
