Queer YouTubers

YouTube is a global phenomenon and in some ways has outpaced film in LGBTQ+ representation. Queer YouTubers are people who identify as LGBTQ+ and have their own YouTube channels with their own unique content, some are LGBTQ+ related and some are not. Many queer YouTubers are LGBTQ+ activists, authors, fashion/beauty professionals and more. These YouTubers are another way for queer people to see other queer people who are living well, enjoying life successfully and happily.

Videos of LGBTQ+ People

Aydian Dowling, Are You Straight?: ALionsFears YouTube Video

  • Aydian Dowling is a happy, successful, married, model and body builder who is also a transgender man. Aydian has many YouTube videos and uses his visibility to educate everyone about transgender people so they can understand and accept.

  • A short video, as part of an ESPN series, chronicling what it means to be an openly out transgender athlete.

  • Boston area high school senior, Tory Muschetta, created this video as a summer program assignment. The message being that gender identity can be hard to explain, even to yourself.

  • A YouTube video chronicling a 12 year old transgender boy’s transition, w/poignant messages from his siblings and parents, who live in Hopkinton, MA.

  • In Cosmopolitan's first documentary, a mom of three young children, speaks about raising her son, Penelope, who is female sex assigned at birth.

  • A 20/20 Barbara Walters interview with Jazz Jennings and her family about raising a transgender girl.