
Raising My Rainbow by Lori Duron

  • Mom of a “fabulous, gender creative son” and author of “Raising My Rainbow” book, this mom humorously writes about her family’s experiences with their gender nonconforming son, CJ.
  • Winner of BlogHer Voices of the Year awards, most recently, for her blog written the day after the Orlando Pulse nightclub shootings.

George. Jessie. Love. by Julie Ross

  • Written by Jessie's mother who began writing this blog when her then 10 year old son, George, began the transition to Jessie. This blog is all about humor, love, caring and support for one's family and of course, her experiences as a parent of a transgender daughter.

  • A variety of thoughtful blogs hosted by Gender Spectrum, topics range from discussions about gendered schools, to fundraising info, to Q&A presentations.