Cū Blight

Cū Blight is a top-down roguelike shooter developed by The Cube Root under DigiPen's GAM-300 & -350 classes during Fall '22 and Spring '23.

This was a 10-person team, of which I served as Creative Director. I created and updated design-based documentation (Overview, ASF, etc), designed the HUD, 3D-modeled most original assets within Maya, and worked closely with my teammates to ensure our vision of the game was unified.

Cū Blight Trailer


Probably my favorite team game I produced at DigiPen; The Cube Root are just such a nice bunch. Overall, I felt I contributed a lot to the game and am very happy with the final product.

Cū Blight more or less remained consistent with what was pitched, that being a 2.5D top-down shooter roguelike with incredibly low-polygon assets. Probably the most important thing I added to the game was the Execubtion, making the main method for the player to heal being dashing into an enemy while they're at low health (with inspiration from DOOM Eternal). That game-feel of ramming into an enemy to shatter them is just wonderful.

Game Design Document

This was the first thing I did for the project, since it outlines all of our major decisions. It covers our high-level overview, intended audience, design pillars, and intended experience track. Halfway through the project, all of the team members looked back at the doc and reflected on what we have currently, what we plan to do, and what we want to do in the game. We then updated the doc accordingly to better plan out what we wanted to do for the rest of the duration working on the project. Our major changes were down-scoping from four to three floors and having more of a focus on our dash attack for upgrades,

Copy of Cube Root Game Design Document

Game Design Doc

Copy of ASFs + Priority

ASF Spreadsheet

ASF Spreadsheet

Good ol' ASF Spreadsheet. Nothin' beats that.

Anyway, this was the second thing I did for the project, right behind the Game Design Doc. It covers all of the affordances, signifiers, and feedback for things that happen in the game, ie. showing the player that the healing pickups are good and that projectiles are bad. I kept it updated throughout the course of the semester with what we currently had in the game, also letting it act as a high-level checklist.

Copy of Team Hats

Spreadsheet containing most hat unlockables, which were all based on the other current DigiPen games. Figured that'd be a nice little thing to honor the other games everyone else were passionately making (as well as for networking purposes)

Work Logs for the first half of development

Work Logs for the second half of development

Downloads Folder