Technical Design II

(DES 350)

DES 350 - Technical Design II

Units: 3.00

This course explores advanced components of modern game engines and technical design patterns for games. Topics include data management, advanced control systems, advanced cameras, and asset management.

Time Taken: Spring 2023

In the Database Uploads folder, Projects 1 and 2 are under the DES 350 folder. This class was basically free-reign; just, "do something cool"

Project 1 (Galaxy Golf) is a minigolf game with the course being a small planet that the ball travels around, a la Mario Galaxy. Was able to get away with some pretty neat stuff, like having the ball travel between planets on Course 3.

Only sticking points is that the courses were hard to model, and the camera only shows top-down unless you're in View Mode

Project 2 (A Platformer Definitely Not Based on Celeste 2: Lani's Trek) is a more polished, tight 2D platformer where the player character can jump, stick to walls, and use a grappling hook to traverse the environment.

A Platformer Definitely Not Based on Celeste 2: Lani's Trek went pretty well, honestly; the movement's super sick. Main sticking points for A Platformer Definitely Not Based on Celeste 2: Lani's Trek are that I couldn't quite figure out a good way to transition the screen upwards and that there's this weird loss of momentum when landing.

Also I can't believe I misspelled "Congratulations" at the end I'm a fraud