Instrument Purchasing/Upgrading

For the beginning instrumentalist, renting an instrument from a music store is a great option. If you decide to purchase an instrument or upgrade to an intermediate level instrument (generally done around 8th Grade) please feel free to contact Mrs. Kamp with any questions you may have.

  • Visiting a local music store is the most secure option when purchasing an instrument. Staff are trained on these instruments and students should be able to try out the instrument and feel comfortable with the instrument they choose.

  • Please DO NOT purchase instruments from websites such as Amazon, Craigslist or Ebay. While these instruments may appear more cost effective, the quality of these instruments is often extremely questionable and there is no support should the instrument break. Purchasing an appropriate instrument with the help of your band director or local music store will ensure that you are getting a high quality, trusted brand instrument that will play well and last a long time!

If you find an instrument that you are interested in, please contact Mrs. Kamp before purchasing. She can give you suggestions for brands, models, accessories, etc. Purchasing a new instrument is very exciting! I want to help!

National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians

See the link(s) below provided by NAPBIRT (organization described above) to provide additional guidance.

Parent Guide for Purchasing Instrument

Here is another article if you are interested in reading more on this topic.