Student Gift Ideas

If you're looking for a gift for your child for the holidays, birthday, or other occasion, here are some ideas:

  • Christmas Ornament of their instrument....available at most music stores or online

  • Private Lessons-find a local private teacher in the community or at a music store. Private lessons can be SO beneficial to ALL middle school band students-working one on one with a professional who has spent their life playing their instrument can really help them gain confidence in their playing!

  • Books of popular music for their instrument...the book "Easy Popular Movie Instrumental Solos" published by Alfred, is a great one. You can find almost any pop song or movie theme for every instrument these days. Students love playing movie music such as Disney, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. These are also available at music stores or online at

  • CD recording of their instrument being played by a professional musician

  • Tickets to something musical....check or for their schedule, or look at things at UWM that are free! Musicals, symphonies, solo artists, etc. are great to expose kids to at this age.

  • T-shirts with their instrument on them. has great ones available. In the search bar, type in "clarinet shirt" or something like that. You won't believe how many you can come up with on that website. Kids love them!

  • Neck Straps -sax players would love a cushier neck strap. The nicest ones are called "Neotech" neck straps.

  • Stocking Stuffers like a box of reeds, cork grease, valve oil, cleaning kit, a new swab for woodwinds, are always great!

  • Chromatic Tuner for at home...This teaches students to tune their instrument to the correct pitch and play better in tune with others. At a music store ask for a tuner for a middle schooler playing your child's instrument. We will use tuners regularly at school (not required for class- they use school tuners while at school).

  • Metronome-these little devices keep a steady beat with clicks to help students with tempo (playing speed). Ask at a music store for a metronome that includes 8th note subdivision. They have some that are credit card size and easy to carry around.