
HPMS Basic Needs Pantry | 425-366-5111 | 

The HPMS Needs Pantry items have been donated by PTO, HP families, and other local community partners for students in need. This resource should be utilized for students and families who may not have any other access to food, clothing, or other basic needs. Please keep in mind that our Pantry will have a limited capacity of resources that will be available on a first come first serve basis until additional donations are received. Please see the HPMS Basic Needs Pantry details below: 

Who: Sandra Holzer is the HP staff overseeing the Pantry (ext. 5111)

Where: The Pantry is located in the Focus Room (C202A)

How: Students can access the Pantry items through teacher referral or self-referral.

When: Pantry Hours are 7:45 AM - 3:00 PM (during lunch or during class with a pass)

What: The following basic need items will be made available in the Pantry:

Students who use the HP Basic Needs Pantry Frequently will be followed up with to ensure that there are not additional needs being unmet.

Clothes for Kids | 425-741-6500 | | 16725 52nd Avenue West, Suite B, Lynnwood, WA 98037

Clothes For Kids provides free school clothing to lower-income students. Any child who attends school in Snohomish County or the Northshore School District (Head Start/ECEAP through 12th grade) and requests help qualifies for Clothes For Kids. Clothing is distributed from August through the end of March. How to Make a School Shopping Appointment:

St. Joseph’s House Clothing Bank  | 360-651-8246 | |1925 4th Street Marysville, WA 98270

St. Joseph’s House Clothing Bank is located in Marysville and is free to community members.